
Aura Concept Store: Creative Discoveries

Product & Messaging Findings + The Importance of Humans in Ads

Over a period of about 10 days, The Aura Concept Store built and launched two creative tests focusing on their car freshener product. They had a few goals in mind:

  • Which product color is most attractive to our audience?
  • How important are humans for ad performance & engagement?
  • What type of messaging will capture the most people?

With the help of Marpipe, they were able to find important answers to these creative questions fast!


The Aura Concept Store is an ecommerce site with a passion for nice smells and a love for special lifestyle products & accessories. The name comes from the feeling that a person evokes in his/her environment: The Aura. Their products are carefully selected, handmade, with plant composition in recyclable packaging, environmentally friendly and dermatologically tested. The marketing campaigns here were run by NextLevelBros - an exciting internet marketing company that takes small brands to the next level in advertising.

Assets & Results


Across both experiments, they tested multiple product colors to decipher what their audience preferred most.

Left to Right
Yellow, Camo, Purple, Aqua, Red, Black

There was one clear winner - the Aqua product. With a CTR that was 71% higher than the next best performing color - the Black product - Aqua took home gold. It was also the cheapest in terms of CPC.


Along with the product images, they were able to figure out how important human presence is in their creative. Short answer: not important, they shouldn't use humans.

Left to Right:
No Human, Woman, Man

After the tests were complete, it was clear that not including a human and simply focusing on the product images was the best way to go! The NoHuman and Man variants had performed the same in CPC, however, the NoHuman variant was the winner in CTR by over 27%. This is an area which they can still test further, but for immediate results its best to not using humans.


The Aura Concept Store took messaging a step further than just random testing - they outlined the exact messages they wanted to learn about using the Great Leads awareness scale. They break their messaging variants down based on the amount of knowledge a person in their audience may have of the product or problem.

Left to Right:
Awareness of Product Decreases

By breaking their messaging down in this way, they're not only able to learn what messaging works with their creative, but what kind of people are in their audience. With Solution Seeking & Problem Aware coming out as winners in terms of CTR, it was clear that this audience was looking for reasons to purchase The Aura Concept Store's car fresheners.

Using the Data & Scaling

After collecting this incredible creative data, it was time to use it! Here's what Alexander Pereira from NextLevelBros, the marketer running these campaigns, had to say:

"I used some of the best performing assets in Videos that also ran after the conclusion of testing the image assets, where the assets appear in order of best performance (but also grouped in ways that the captions make sense and fit the timing).  These are the videos made from the best assets:
Alexander took the data from image testing & turned the ads into videos.
I loaded all the best image assets, together with these videos into Dynamic Creative Ads on FB for the acquisition campaigns. The best performing asset from the testing on Marpipe also was the best performing acquisition stage Ad asset in terms of ROAS. The videos did well too. A Broad Audience did well with these Ads, ROAS over 2 for acquisition, showing that you don't need to get hyper targeted if you have the right creative and messaging.

...All in all Marpipe's creative testing helped us create winning ad campaigns in a difficult environment."

The top performing video was the one which did not include a human at all (left in screenshot above), which aligned perfectly with the test results in which No Human was the best performer in both CPC and CTR!

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