
What Is Multivariate Testing & How It Works for Ad Agencies

Learn how multivariate testing can help agencies increase their success rates and create a unique revenue stream with the help of Marpipe.
Susan Wenograd

For decades, ad agencies have A/B tested their ad creative to see which of a handful of ads is the top performer. But a deeper level of insights into ad creative — not to mention a new revenue stream — can now be gained through a newer method: multivariate testing

Multivariate testing measures the performance of every possible combination of creative variables — images, headlines, CTAs, etc. This means you can test tens or hundreds of ads instead of just two or three.

Marpipe is the only multivariate ad creative testing platform that lets you get data on each element of ad creative. It enables quick builds of ad variations and launches tests automatically. 

Here are a number of ways multivariate testing with Marpipe can help your agency scale creative testing, creative intelligence, and brand-building efforts for your clients.

You’ll understand which ads people like — and why — to give your clients insights into which creative elements consistently drive performance.

Because we can measure how every variable works with every other variable, we can see which headlines, images, and more are just “meh” and which ones are the G.O.A.T. no matter how they were paired together.

You can document what creative works so there’s one source of truth for all of your client’s creative intelligence — past and present.

Do you remember what you learned from that test you ran six months ago? We didn’t think so. Marpipe keeps track of exactly which ads and assets are working so you can use them more often (and which ones aren’t so you can stop using them).

Use data (rather than opinions) to critique and optimize design and copy to give your clients data-driven creative based on target audiences’ actual preferences.

Every test runs in front of your target audience, so test results are based on what they love the most — or don’t love so much — about your ads. These learnings help you build more ads based on what you know these audiences like, and not what you think they’ll like.

You’ll deliver a smarter overall creative strategy, giving your clients a new form of real-time market research. 

The application of creative insights across your clients’ brands is endless. Winning headlines, images, CTAs, and more can be used in all touchpoints to boost performance across the board.

Give your clients hundreds of ads in minutes with scaled creative development. You build a template and add your client’s assets. Then Marpipe auto-generates every possible combination with the click of a button. Bing, bang, boom.

Give your clients better ad performance faster by launching multivariate tests in minutes.

Cut down the time spent on the treadmill of launch, wait, pause, repeat. By automating multivariate testing with hundreds of ads per test, you’re way more likely to find the ones your clients’ actual target audiences respond to best — and fast.

Get around unreliable audience targeting by giving your clients better ads that work harder in front of broader audiences.

User privacy regulations (while great for users) have turned ad and social platforms into black boxes when it comes to audience targeting. Better ad creative is the loophole and Marpipe is the fastest way to get there.

Boost ad performance in days with a 7 day free trial.
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How to Run a Multivariate Test

The Beginner's Guide

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How to Run a Multivariate Test
The Beginner's Guide

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