
Segment: Performance Improvements

How Segment cut their CPA by over 50% in 2-months

Segment is a customer data platform that makes good data accessible for all teams.

Results Breakdown

By building off of the Creative Intelligence collected from multiple cycles, Segment was able to cut their CPA by 51.26%.

Experiment Planning

In the first cycle during this 2-month period, we created and tested 72 video ads.

Experiment Two

After analyzing the results from Cycle 4.1, we took the winning components and challenged them. In the second cycle we
created and tested 136 video ads.

Experiment Three

Using the data collected from the first two cycles, we were able to dive deeper into the specific trends that we saw. In this cycle, the focus was on code graphics and specific words in the text. We created and tested 204 video ads.

Component Improvement

Throughout this period, there were a few creative components that stood out cycle after cycle. The most impactful change we saw over time came in the presentation of the code graphics.

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